Call Us: 304-354-9244
Emergency: Call 911
Your partner in health today, tomorrow, and for life.
In 1983, Calhoun County designated a new health center to be named as Minnie Hamilton Health Center in honor of beloved county nurse,
Miss Minnie Hamilton. Miss Hamilton dedicated her life to taking care of others. She began her career as the county school nurse in 1933,
braving the back roads of Calhoun County in her battered Plymouth. In 1938, Miss Hamilton took a position with the federal government,
providing nursing services to migrant field workers across the United States. Minnie Hamilton returned home to Calhoun County in February
1947 to work as the county health nurse. She retired in the fall of 1972, leaving a legacy of public service never to be forgotten.
Minnie Hamilton Community Health Center expanded into a Federally Qualified Health Center in 1987.
The closure of Calhoun General Hospital in 1995 spurred a series of significant efforts to strengthen the
health care infrastructure in the region as the nearest hospital was over a 1½-hour drive by ambulance.
Following a series of meetings with community members, staff and board representatives, local providers,
federal and state government representatives, and consultants, a new model for health care was defined
and realized for the region. Minnie Hamilton Health Care Center, Inc., d.b.a. Minnie Hamilton Health Systems (MHHS)
developed through a “leap of faith” because of community-driven effort. Like our namesake, the mission of Minnie Hamilton
Health System is to improve the health quality of life of all people in the service area through an innovative delivery system
of services and education.
Today, Minnie Hamilton Health System has grown to include a comprehensive, vertically integrated health care delivery system comprised of a critical access hospital, community health center (FQHC), school-based health center sites, a nursing home unit, a swing bed unit, oral health care, rural health clinic, and 340B pharmacy services. In addition, MHHS sponsors several community-based services needed within the community, such as education and outreach events and threat preparedness services. Since its beginning, Minnie Hamilton Health Systems has evolved in response to the needs of the region.
Our Mission: Minnie Hamilton Health System is dedicated to improving the health quality of life of all people in our service area through an innovative delivery system of services and education.
Our Vision: We strive to be recognized as the organization which provides high quality health care in partnership with other organizations contributing to the development of a thriving community.
Our Core Values: In achieving our mission, the following core values guide our work and decision-making (ICARE):
INTEGRITY -We act fairly, honestly and sincerely in our relationships
with whom we work and serve.
COMPASSION - We demonstrate sensitivity to the physical, Emotional
and spiritual needs of every person.
ACCOUNTABILITY - We take responsibility for our performance in all
our decisions and actions.
RESPECT -We will respect the members of our health care team and
pledge to treat our fellow employees, patients, residents and
the community we serve in the same manner.
EXCELLENCE - We encourage creativity, initiative and resourcefulness
in our delivery of health care services.
The Six Pillars that provide Minnie Hamilton Health System Team Members a foundation for setting organizational goals and direction for service and excellence. They also provide consistency and focus over time.
Quality & Patient Safety
Minnie Hamilton, R.N.