Long term care

Long Term Care

Minnie Hamilton Health System’s Long Term Care Unit provides quality nursing care by trained staff 24 hours a day. It can accommodate up to 24 residents providing such services as restorative nursing care, physical therapy, and 24 hour On-Call physician services. We also staff a certified activities director and licensed social worker.

Does your loved one need more care than you can provide?

We would love to help. We provide a unique, home like environment. We are very dedicated to providing quality care for our residents and encourage families to continue to be involved in their loved ones care.

LTC Visitor Process/Guidelines

LTC Process for Visitation

  1. Open 7 days a week
  2. No time limits per visit
  3. Visitors must be screened, wear a mask and use hand sanitizer

Important Reminders

  • We ask that if you have signs/symptoms of being ill or have potentially been exposed to COVID that you not visit for a period of 5 to 7 days. ​
  • Please notify the facility if you have visited and then become ill with COVID, so that we can monitor your loved one. 

These guidelines are in place to protect our residents and your loved ones.