

The Radiology Department at Minnie Hamilton uses state-of-the-art technology to produce digital images which are immediately available to your provider for review. 

The following radiology services are available at our Grantsville location: 

  • Bone density (DEXA)
  • Computerized Tomography (CT)
  • Digital Mammography
  • Ultrasound
  • Regular x-ray

We also offer regular x-ray at our Coplin Clinic in Elizabeth.    

If you have an order from your provider, you can walk in for regular x-ray.  All other exams require an appointment. 

Important Billing Notice

Radiologic studies are read by a contracted, independent Radiology Group. This means you will receive two separate bills for your exam.

  • Bill for performing the study from Minnie Hamilton Health System (MHHS)
  • Bill for reading the study from Radiology Physician’s Associates (RPA)