Call Us:  304-354-9244

Emergency: Call 911

Your partner in health today, tomorrow, and for life.


LTC Visitor Process/Guidelines

​1. If you have the following symptoms, we ask that you wear a mask covering your nose and mouth for the protection of others while in the facility.
a. Runny nose, congestion, sore throat, cough, sneezing, fever, nausea and diarrhea.
b. Or if you have been in direct contact with a known COVID 19 positive person within the last 10 days.
\When visiting a COVID-19 positive patient, full PPE is required, and Droplet and Airborne Isolation Precautions are enforced

2. Full PPE consists of:

  1. N-95 Mask
  2. Face Shield
  3. Gown
  4. Gloves

3. Masks are available at the registration desk of each department and nursing station.



Important Reminders:
•     We ask that if you have signs/symptoms of being ill or have potentially been exposed to COVID that you not visit for a period of 5 to 7 days. 

•    ​Please notify the facility if you have visited and then become ill with COVID, so that we can monitor your loved one. 

These guidelines are in place to protect our residents and your loved ones. 


LTC Process for Visitation:
1.   Open 7 days a week
2.   No time limits per visit
3.   Visitors must be screened, wear a mask and use hand sanitizer

Visitor Mask Guidelines